PAINTING AND RECOATING Parex USA Finishes are designed to look nice for a long time after they have been put into use. On the other hand, acrylic finishes produced by Parex USA can be recoated with either the DPR Coating or the Elastomeric Coating if the customer so desires. It is important to be aware that coatings will change the luster and texture of the finish that was originally applied. It is not intended to change the texture in any way. Recoat Gel. If the coating will be applied on top of an existing sand or sand fine finish, this is a very significant consideration to take into account. It’s possible that some of the surface texture will be lost due to the aggregate size in these finishes. It is advised that a physical sample be used when trying to match the color of an existing finish that was produced by Parex USA. This is because existing aged finishes may have changed significantly from their original color over time.

It is important that the existing finish be clean and dry. The application of Parex USA Coatings can be accomplished with a brush, a roller, or the appropriate spray equipment (follow the product data sheet for application). In general, coatings can provide adequate surface coverage with a single application when applied over previously applied finishes. It is possible that you will need to apply two coats of paint, but this will depend on the texture and/or color of the finish that is already on the surface. When applying a coating with a roller for a single application, apply the coating in vertical strokes, overlapping each stroke by one-half the width of the roller. Apply the first layer in horizontal strokes, then wait for it to dry before applying the second. It is recommended that the second coat be applied in a manner that is analogous to that of a single application but at a right angle to the first coat.

RESURFACING AND REFINISHING It is advised that a physical sample be sent to the Parex USA Color Department for analysis and matching purposes if the finish material must be carefully color matched to the existing work. The Color Department can then match the finish material to the existing work. Even in this case, the new finish may seem somewhat different from the original finish because the previous finish may have aged or because the applicators may have used a different texturing technique. If a wall surface needs to be refinished, it may produce a more acceptable appearance to resurface a panel or larger section to an existing break or termination rather than a smaller patch area. This is because larger areas take up more space than smaller patch areas do.

In accordance with the instructions for Patching and Repairing, the refinishing work ought to be delegated to an applicator who has past experience working with Parex USA Materials. The location needs to be cleaned up first using one of the ways described above. Two, on top of the clean and dry existing finish, a skim coat of Parex USA base coat (Cementitious/Acrylic type) should be troweled onto the surface with a stainless steel trowel to a uniform thickness in order to completely fill the voids created by the original texture. This should be done in order to completely fill the voids. Embedding reinforcing mesh into the wet base coat according to the installation instructions provided in the Parex USA EIFS application Guide should be done if increased impact resistance is desired or if reinforcing mesh is required to repair other portions of the structure. If primer was used on the original project, you should add Parex USA Primer to the new finish in order to improve the color consistency and trowelability of the coating.

When applying the new finish, make sure to follow the instructions that are provided in the product data sheet that was provided by Parex USA. These instructions are unique to the desired level of finish and texture. Flashing & Sealants The very first sign of water entering the structure should serve as an alarm that there is a problem, and this issue should be fixed as quickly as humanly possible. When it comes to preventing moisture from entering behind the face of the cladding, EIFS systems, much like other types of wall cladding, rely on flashing and sealants.

As a result of this, it is considered good practice to do frequent checks on the installation in the following essential locations:

  • Window and door perimeters.
  • Expansion joints
  • Abutments to dissimilar materials.
  • Penetrations, such as those found around fixtures, hose bibs, outlets, scuppers, and other similar locations.
  • Endings at the very top and very bottom of the wall
  • The intersections of the sidewalls and roof lines When repairing sealant joints, it’s possible that the joints will need to be removed and replaced.